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(The AND Lab)


Fernanda Eugenio

Conception, Direction & Curation
Lisbon Central Unit & AND Collective

Fernanda Eugenio is an artist, anthropologist, researcher and educator. Her work involves field research, writing, conceptual creation, social intervention, somatic-spiritual practices and expanded performance (body, installation, video, photography and situated propositions). She works in the construction of transversal ways of doing for relational co-positioning, intimate and collective care-curation and creation by re-materialization - namely through the Modus Operandi AND (MO_AND), a methodology of ethical-aesthetic and somatic-political nature that she created and has been unfolding since the 2000s. The methodology is dedicated to the co(m)passionate practice of presence, to the tuning with the sensitive experience of inseparability and to the research of the processes of emergence, trans-form-a(c)tion and de-scission making, in the interweaving between art-making, participatory processes, politics and spirituality. Since 2011 she has been the founder and director of the platform AND_Lab | Art-Thinking and Politics of Togetherness (based in Lisbon and with branches in Brazil and Spain), an artisanal structure of artistic research, which operates at the intersection between arts, critical thinking, embodied political-affective practices and radical pedagogies, bringing together creators committed to the exercise of art as reciprocity that sustains life (in) common. She was a postdoctoral fellow (2012) at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and she holds a PhD (2006) and Master (2002) degree in Social Anthropology at the National Museum - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She graduated in Dance at Escola Angel Vianna. In Brazil, she was Associate Researcher at CESAP/IUPERJ/UCAM (2003-17) and Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences at PUC-Rio (2005-12). In the last twenty years she has been a visiting professor in several training programs in social sciences and humanities, arts and performance in Europe, USA and South America, having passed through more than a hundred institutions and had her work with MO_AND studied in master's dissertations and doctoral theses in several fields, especially arts, psychology, pedagogy, architecture and cultural studies. Her publications, artistic creations and collaborations circulate in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Vietnam and the Philippines.


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