In 2021, AND Lab completes ten years of existence as an artisanal structure of artistic research operating at the intersection between the arts, critical thinking, embodied practices and undisciplined/undisciplined somatic-political pedagogies. This landmark date happens more or less together with the almost twenty years of Modo Operativo AND as Fernanda Eugenio's continued research on the policies of relational composition and the intimate and collective care-curatorship of the common.
Honoring this milestone, the School of Repair 2021 takes shape from the theme question Re-member: (Dis)integration and Healing of the Irreparable, inviting us to a retrospective and prospective encounter with the matter of what constitutes us and happens to us: what we were and are made of, what we did/do with what was done to us, and what we return to each time, or what we become. What we already or still (not) are, what we can (not) be or (not) do. We invite everyone to come with us on this journey to investigate the ways in which we assist each other in the processes of dying and being born through which - whether on a singular or collective level; personal, trans or infrapersonal; ancestral, historical or cosmic - we are healing (caring for, curating) and weaving the moving geographies of possible re-mediations of the Irreparable that we do and do to us. Tuning in and reconnecting with the wider web that (dis)integrates us from/in the common background and the implied order of Life, in the inter-fabric that separates us through difference, watching and respecting the infinitely varied manifestations of happening, of feeling and of becoming.
Positioning itself within a paradoxical and urgent task, between the irreparability of the world-as-It-Is and the ethical commitment to its repair, the Escola do Reparar, AND Lab's ongoing artistic-political training program, proposes to combine the Mode Operative AND with other incarnated artistic-political propositions, collaborative composition tools and somatic practices, in a transdisciplinary and undisciplined program, dedicated to the corporeity-community articulation and the recognition and invention-creation of tactics for the unlearning of deep-rooted and unequally distributed violence in each one of us.
Escola do Reparar arises from the desire to contribute to a process that is triggered by the recognition that it is no longer possible to reiterate an unsustainable world, supported by predatory-extractive logics. By proposing a multi-located, transversal school based on practiced knowledge, connecting realities and bodies diversely affected by the Irreparable, we intend to create a gap space dedicated to collectivizing the act of researching-creating, making it coincident with the acts of living-inhabiting and relate-perform. A space for entertainment - reciprocal sharing with each other, in community -, in which we can exercise ways of being intimate without being/being close, and nurture, together, possibilities of remaking sensibilities and worlds.
The program runs from March to December, directed and curated by Fernanda Eugenio, including: online study group (Estudos Indóceis); workshops and regular sessions of body practice, MO_AND game and sensitive listening (hANDling program); public program for sharing creations in process (stANDing program); public conversation program (commemorative program Ten Years in Position-Com); research-creation residencies (LAND) and immersive courses-retreats in the field (LANDscape Portugal and Brazil).
[you may always return to this page throughout the annual schedule to keep up with news: new calendar activities will be added as their registration/information becomes available. If you are viewing past editions, this panel will be complete]
LANDscape | "Manual de Sobrevivência para Tempos Irreparáveis"
20/08/21, 13:00
Curso 'Web-Série' + Documentário (Dezembro)
Retiro Imersivo de Verão (restrito por razões sanitárias) + Publicações Resultantes | com Fernanda Eugenio + Equipa de Cuidado-Curadoria: Bernardo Chatillon, Manoela Rangel, Ruan Rocha, Mariana Ferreira e Flora Mariah
hANDling | "Corpo de Re-membração" | Abordagem às Práticas do Programa
27/03/21, 18:00
Plataforma AND Lab Comunidade-Acervo + Zoom
Circuitos de oficinas | jogo AND, práticas corporais, escuta e conversa | 2 sessões intro + 12 encontros semanais via Zoom + grupo para partilha de afetos e questões emergentes, entre as sessões | com Fernanda Eugenio & rede de colaboradores AND
Estudos indóceis | "Re-membrar e Di-gestar" | Modo Operativo AND & Movimento Autêntico
19/03/21, 18:00
Plataforma AND Lab Comunidade-Acervo + Zoom
Grupo online de estudos praticados e escuta recíproca | Encontros mensais via Zoom + grupo para partilha de afetos e questões emergentes, entre as sessões | com Fernanda Eugenio e Soraya Jorge
Direção: Fernanda Eugenio
Desenho e Curadoria: Fernanda Eugenio
Equipa Artística (stANDing): Fernanda Eugenio, Dani d'Emilia, Manoela Rangel, Pat Bergantin
Equipa Pedagógica (Estudos Indóceis, hANDling, LANDscape): Fernanda Eugenio, Flora Mariah, Guto Macedo, Manoela Rangel, Mariana Pimentel, Milene Duenha, Naiá Delion, Pat Bergantin, Soraya Jorge
Acompanhamento e Cuidado: Ruan Rocha, Iacã Macerata, Mariana Ferreira
Interlocuções Convidadas (stANDing, LANDscape ou Dez anos em Posição-Com): Ana Dinger, Bernardo Chatillon, Carlos Oliveira, João Fiadeiro, Liliana Coutinho, Mariana Ferreira, Sarah Amsler, Sílvia Pinto Coelho e mais.
Design, Manutenção Plataforma Online e Gestão Administrativa: Alexandre Eugenio
Produção: Pat B, Ruan Rocha
Comunicação: Pat B
Documentação Audiovisual LANDscape: Inês T. Alves
Documentação Audiovisual atividades online: Gabriela Jung
Parcerias: Trust Collective, Orla Eco-Social Regeneration, Penhasco Arte Cooperativa
Apoios: República Portuguesa - Cultura; Fundo de Emergência Social - Câmara Municipal de Lisboa