AND Book-Box is an artefact-constellation that, for the first time, conveys, in the form of a publication, the dimension of performative game, the experimental approach to the materiality of words and the multiplicity of Modus Operandi AND - an ethical-artistic-political methodology for the relational research of co-positioning and emergent processes.
Written by Fernanda Eugenio, the AND’s Book-Box emerged through a collaborative creation process, with the participation of Ana Dinger, Luiza Leite, Tatiana Podlubny and Cecília Costa, in the context of a partnership between the AND Lab and the artist-book publisher Fada Inflada, that integrates the independent editorial circuit of Rio de Janeiro. The AND Book-Box was published with the support of República Portuguesa - Cultura / Direção Geral das Artes.
Memorial objects from the project “Of the Irreparable: what can an ethics of reparation do?”, curated by Fernanda Eugenio and Ana Dinger and designed by Ana Teresa Ascensão, the Postcards Collection ‘Of the Irreparable’ was part of the Caixa-Livro (Book-Box) launch campaign and is offered here in the form of a promotional kit. The postcards present ethical and political positions regarding the irreparability of the world, each one synthesized in an AND concept tool.
Caixa-Livro AND [AND 'Book-Box'] + Postcards 'From the Irreparable'
Technical Sheet
Texts, diagrams, concept-words and game propositions
Fernanda Eugenio
Editorial Design
Ana Dinger, Fernanda Eugenio, Luiza Leite
Graphic Project
Cecília Costa, Tatiana Podlubny
Graphic Design of the Launch Postcard Collection ('Do Irreparável')
Ana Teresa Ascensão
Fada Inflada Independent Publisher
República Portuguesa - Cultura / Direcção Geral das Artes