Conceived as a toolbox and performative survival kit for pandemic times, the "Survival Manual for Irreparable Times" take the form of a practical-theoretical video webseries, offering a purposeful introduction to the practices of Modus Operandi AND.
The proposal, which explores the digital format and the language of video series, aims to promote the accessibility and popularization of MO_AND tools, offering a new plane of possible contact with AND Lab practices, regardless of the live encounter, be it in person or online.
In its first season, it is composed of three episodes will be produced, presenting the key issues of the inhabited philosophy of MO_AND: the basic structure of the practice and the different game modalities. In future seasons, the intention is to gradually compose a body of (self)courses that allow for autonomous experimentation with tools and games.
Subscription valid for 120 days.
The episodes are available online on a specific online channel on the AND Lab website. Access will be granted within 24 hours after payment confirmation.
Available with English subtitles
EPISODE 1 | The (Ir)reparable World
The IS, OR, AND operative modes and the main questions of MO_AND:
> how to live together?
> how not to have an idea?
> how to live alone?
> how to die together?
> how to kill the system (in us) without dying?
> How to 'Reparar' (in)the Irreparable?
EPISODE 2 | The What-How-When-Where Question Game
> the accident
> the three positions, or how to 'relate relationships'
> postpone the end, accept the end > 're-parar', 'reparagem', 'reparação' ("re-stop", "notice", " repair")
> the open/explicit diagram
EPISODE 3: The Constellation of Modus Operandi AND Games
> the board games
> the games of enunciation and rematerialization of affection
> the games with the territory-body
> the games with the body-territory
Survival Manual for Irreparable Times | 30-day Subscription
Technical Sheet
Fernanda Eugenio, Pat Bergantin & Patrícia Araujo
Direction, Photography and Editing
Patrícia Araujo
Direction and Production Assistance
Pat Bergantin
Photography Assistance
Larissa Ramos
Fernanda Eugenio
Off' voices
Fernanda Eugenio & Patrícia Araújo
'Off' recordings
Biel Basile
Aterro Filmes
Institutional Partnership
Garantir Cultura | República Portuguesa - Cultura
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