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'artefacts programmes'

AND Book-Box
Fernanda Eugenio
Released in 2019
AND Book-Box is an artefact-constellation that, for the first time, conveys, in the form of a publication, the dimension of performative game, the experimental approach to the materiality of words and the multiplicity of Modus Operandi AND - an ethical-artistic-political methodology for the relational research of co-positioning and emergent processes.
This publication is composed by four booklets (Words, Games, Articulations, Conversations), two posters and six postals. It includes a glossary of AND’s concept-tools (Ten Positions in face of the Irreparable); a series of word-lectures; diagrams such as the Question Game, the Triple Modulation of Reparar and Of The Irreparable. Also, it presents an updated and detailed set of AND’s propositions-games (Interference Zone Games, Transference Zone Games and Care-Curatorship Games); a compilation of texts and articles exploring MO_AND's trajectory and a collection of conversations and testimonials on its uses and applications.
Written by Fernanda Eugenio, the AND’s Book-Box emerged through a collaborative creation process, with the participation of Ana Dinger, Luiza Leite, Tatiana Podlubny and Cecília Costa, in the context of a partnership between the AND Lab and the artist-book publisher Fada Inflada, that integrates the independent editorial circuit of Rio de Janeiro. The AND Book-Box was published with the support of República Portuguesa - Cultura / Direção Geral das Artes.

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