AND Collective Practices
Foto: Amanda Morais
Fernanda Eugenio & AND Collective
These practices may eventually integrate the Programming of our Space, and some are also open in our Calendar for requests to schedule experimental sessions online.

Fernanda Eugenio, Iacã Macerata, Ruan Rocha & collaborations from Mariana Ferreira
The Practices of Care consists of the experiential investigation of the applications of MO_AND in Clinical practices with the subjectivity and, reciprocally, in the explicitation of the dimension of care and clinical sense inherent in the exercise of MO_AND. They unfold from the interest in investigating the effects of care and the production of subjectivity present in the practices of MO_AND, experiencing the potential modulation of the materiality of subjective functioning, as well as performing a sensitive and situated approach to subjectivity as corporeality.
At the injunction between ethnography, art, subjectivity studies, psychology, collective health and psychoanalytic clinics, MO_AND turns out to be a conceptual and methodological resource for the production of care. Based on the reciprocity between MO_AND and practices of care, we seek to conceive, formulate and propose tools for the operation and collective production of care.
The possibility of the transversal clinical use of the tools of MO_AND forges a notion of care that deviates the notion of cure from its usual function of restoring order, by being able to (re)perform, each time, the tuning between the self and its environment, between the self and the other, between the singular and the common, between the individual and the collective, between the intimate and the political. In addition, it displaces care practices from the technical action of the specialist - from the formal knowledge prior to the relationship, re-situating them as ethics implied in and of the common, that is, as a modulation of the politics of coexistence. Such a notion of care therefore encompasses and inoculates healing as a practice of curation, placing on the same plane of reciprocity the continuous and ever-situated handling of the collective forms of the Event and the infinitesimal forces of Desire.
It is a network of assemblages that becomes a relational space or territory of relation, constituted by three mutually implied planes: the between-self/among-selves, a relation from self to self, in each living person involved; the among-us, a relation among-us, living persons involved; and the among-many, a relation among living persons and artifacts, landscapes, inhuman elements.
Traditionally used to produce sense-meaning, care practices are here re-generated to produce a sense-direction of creation and co-implication between the care of the self and the care of the geographic, social, and political environment. To the extent that they emerge as a modulation of living together, they (re)perform the self and the surroundings in a co-emergent way, turning themselves into a policy of reciprocity in the relationship with the Event: they decentre the narrative of the subject that explains or is explained, allowing a transfer of protagonism to the event. The Care Practices thus reposition the subject from the plane of the explicable to the plane of the unexplainable, therefore to the plane of implication.
Within the AND Lab, the Care Practices are researched in a variety of ways, subdivided between regular and durational practices with regular MO_AND members and practitioners, and those researched with participants in AND Lab activities and propositions throughout the year. They are currently distributed in 6 areas of incidence:
1. Inter-repair (among members of AND Care)
Research-meetings between members of AND Care that are dedicated to inventorying the analytical effects and subjective repositioning emerging from practices of care with MO_AND. It is constituted in an extended network of support and testimony, which cares for the caring, accompanies the accompanying, assists the assisting, handling affections longitudinally to the activities, workshops, meetings, courses and workshops of the AND Lab. In these meetings we also research the explicitness of a transversal plan, highlighting the implications and co-incidences between AND Care within AND Lab’s constellation, coming up with questions, formulations and in-situ propositions-interventions.
2. Inter-repair (with the AND_Lab's Direction)
This is a research-proposition-intervention with AND Lab's Direction, where we collectively exercise the Reparar (in)the multiple modulations between AND Lab, its members, and the activities they develop, attending themes related to sustainability, strategic sensitivities and planning, and reparative care.
3. AND Collective Meetings
Every two weeks we research the effects and interventions of in situ curatorship in the scope of the AND Collective, tracking processes that involve the AND Lab's clusters in Brazil and regular members of the AND Lab.
4. Individual Listening-Game
The Individual Listening-Game is a research practice and has been simultaneously constituted as a practice of care that adopts the Modus Operandi AND as a modulator of listening. This game is practiced based on a given experience participants have had while practicing MO_AND. It is aimed at regular or sporadic practitioners of MO_AND, provided they have had previous contact with the methodology. The Listening-Game is inspired by the methodology of the cartographic interview, in order to co-produce a sensitive experience based on a situation experienced during a given game. It adopts the Reparar (in) the experience, exploring its What, How, When-Where. The Listening-Game consists of a game of position-with the subjective contents mobilized in play. It can be initiated at any moment by any practitioner of MO_AND.
5. Conversation-Game
The Conversation-Game is an experiential research proposition that adopts the Modus Operandi AND as modulator of the Conversation, turning it into a game. It turns out to be an unfolding of the board plan to the conversation plan, whose limits are no longer physically traced by a tape, but felt by the tangibility of speech and listening. The Conversation-Game aims to research the different modulations of speaking and listening, and how they contribute to the constitution of a conversation as the plane of conviviality. In the Conversation-Game, speaking is performed as a position, and listening, as Reparar, engendering the common ground as made by speech and listening. As a research practice, it is inscribed as a tool for group practices of care and can be practiced together with the propositions of the AND Lab, in courses, workshops and laboratories.
6. Inter-institutional research with the Fluminense Federal University / Brazil
Research conducted between AND_Lab and the Department of Psychology of the Institute of Humanities and Health of the Fluminense Federal University, entitled "The caring dimension of MO_AND: contributions to a territorial clinic", which investigates the experience of the practice of MO_AND from the enactive approach of Francisco Varela. The research seeks to validate the practice of playing MO_AND as a practice of transformation, producer of care and training for care, circumscribing the relationship between Modus Operandi AND and the subjective experience.
The care dimension of MO_AND - II Bienal Game and Education 2020
MO_AND as an Ethical Competence Game

Re-mediation Practices
Fernanda Eugenio, Manoela Rangel & Pat Bergantin
They constitute themselves as a field of sensitive investigation of ways to (re)connect artistic-somatic practices, a politicized spirituality and a spiritualized politics.
As a political gesture of reconnecting what dual thought inscribed as separate, the Practices of Re-mediation become practices of en/incorporation of de-scission, (a)firming the connection with other fields and integrating the planes that modern thought crystallized as 'natural' and 'supernatural'. This will be the same as sensitively remembering that everything that is outside is inside, and vice-versa, in an exercise of radical dis-identification and transitionality of the Self.
Starting from the resources and tools that compose Modus Operandi’s Body-Territory Practices, especially the practices of sensorial (auto)ethnography, ANDbodiment and the Games of Compearance, the artists proposed to accompany one another mutually "moving forces", in order to investigate more closely manifestations of the ethereal order that had been becoming frequent when such games were activated at MO_AND workshops and labs.
With the desire to re-know (to know anew) what we (don't) know - this plane in which spirituality, nature and ancestry form an undivided whole - the research was anchored in the double valence of the operation of re-mediation: to re-mediate is to gather back together what was disconnected, and it is also to heal, to fix and/or remedy. This double sense appears when we give way to three contemporary unfoldings of the Event/Accident: the body that is crossed (immediate form), the body that crosses (force-affect), and the crossing body (channel). When the three bodies come together in a transversal state, what seemed to be disconnected can re-link again. The healing of re-mediation, so far, has also manifested itself into three modulations: healing through cutting, healing through antidote, and healing through gift.
Proposing to search, in our own body-territories, the spectrum of vibrational frequencies that traverses and constitutes us, the Re-mediation Practices interrogate, through experiencing, the possibility of tuning into the co-participatormultidimensionality of Life, to giving way to its manifestation, and of being there for it, with an active capacity to feel it, honor it, and acknowledge it.
The practices are shared, in individual or collective sessions, through the activation of a circuit that goes from the 'waters of the Earth' - the Lake, the Sea, and the River - to the 'waters of the sky' - the Rains, inviting participants to experience and operate micro-gestures of re-mediation in their own energetic fields.
Three means run through the exercises: the 'means of liberation' - locating and unlocking access keys to build the 'body of crossing'; the 'means of channeling' - exercising oneself as a transpersonal channel and constituting a field for the appearance of the issue to be healed; and the 'means of service' - unblocking possible healings and making available paths for gestures of repair that may, through concretization in the smallest details - little by little - reverberate more vastly.

Flora Mariah
Ancorar is a body research practice focused on investigating more specifically the pelvis, which has been developed by Flora Mariah as an unfolding of the RABA POWER project, in an attempt to organize and deepen all the material raised since 2018. Our hips carry layers and more layers of history, ours and our ancestors that are passed down from generation to generation. It is a historically marginalized zone of the body, which makes us share incarnations of violence and silence. The bet of this research is that through work focused on the pelvis, we can access memories, release tensions and traumas and reconnect with what gives us both mechanical and emotional support. Working on our foundation and understanding its structural connection with the body as a whole gives us the necessary support to support our choices, our directions and our desires in life. Diving into this sea and moving these waters so deep is a movement of self-rescue, but not only is it also part of a collective process of healing and decolonization of our bodies. A dive that requires courage to touch what hurts, what has been hidden from us, or silenced, what we do not know and fear, what we cannot control, and neither name. But it is also with courage that we understand that in the same place where we find our pain, we also find our strength, because it is within the wound itself that we find the wisdom to heal it. Therefore, the practices of ANCORAR are an invitation to open new spaces, anchor powers and release unnecessary tensions, rescuing the pleasure in inhabiting our own body.

Foto/Photo: Biel Basile
Antenna Body
Pat Bergantin
Antenna Body is a corporal practice that approaches the body as a connection device, which has the power to capture, transmit, transduce, modulate and tune. Acting in the field of micro-perceptions, it sharpens the senses for what moves (in) our body here-now, reactivating circuits that previously seemed blocked or erased. In order to move with what trespasses through our bodies, either visible, invisible or unpredictable, it is necessary to tune our channel into the perception of body-field, recognizing that there is no crossing without being crossed and that this path demands a circuit handling. The continuity of the practice leads to an integration of physical, mental and emotional faculties, as well as social, ancestral and spiritual faculties, and is designed for anyone interested in the proposal, regardless of their experience with dance.

Foto/Photo: Amanda Morais
Multidimensional Body
Guto Macedo
The proposal of Multidimensional Body is to create body in the intersection of the visible and the invisible, the inside and outside, what touches and is touched in the soma (body of itself), crossing limits between the perceptible and the imperceptible. In this perceptive opening, each one with its own multi-images of body, where time crosses space, the past resonates in the present, and new somatic schemes emerge.

Microscopolitics Dance
Milene Duenha
Starting from the premise that the transformations in the collective dimension refer to a reciprocal logic of transformations that take place in the bodies that compose it, this practice of microscopic activation turns to the cultivation of the body's sensitive potentialities. From the recognition that we do not know everything that a body can do, and through the provocation of a modulation of attention to the vibrations of microscopic existences, the perceptive refinement is sought for the emergences, as potency of life, that occur in the interferences among the bodies of the environment. This practice is operated by an ethics of relationships that involves a redimensioning of attention to the velocities and intensities of the smaller and its aspects of ungovernability.

Foto/Photo: Amanda Morais
Practices of Gathering
Mariana Pimentel
Practices of Gathering are an experiment with the poetics of clustering. It activates reciprocity through meditative presence, small dances and the free flow of movement among people. It brings together experiences that invite the collective body to express its presence in the different spaces and layers that compose our corporeality.

Tuning & Inventory Practices
Naiá Delion
The Tuning Practices take as a starting point the relationship between body and gravity and propose to dedicate time to map the body supports on the ground, the supports in the air or in another body, in pause or in movement. It involves accessing bone, muscle, elastic and skin tissues to investigate fractality and multidirectional movement, with the body being able to relate to the imponderable. The Inventory Practices take as a starting point something that has been experienced. The mapping of this experience is tuning from the outside to the inside until it can again include the relationship of the body to the gravitational field. Through the invitation to this singularized inventory, the proposal is that one can open space for an appropriation of the experiences that allows them to be made available as tools for the investigation of each individual.

'Tra(d)ição' Practices ("betrayal-tradition")
Manoela Rangel
Betraying - The one who knows how to suspend what I know about how I move which paths I walk who I think I am a voluntary act of opening a crack in time - I deterritory myself I don't know myself I am movement that takes changing nomadic forms - what moves me is perhaps a false enigma - it matters the continued state of not knowing about what I know about myself following what is being done in this system that I call I - to betray myself and create a new tradition to betray me is to create another tradition which moves me while I rest circuits of the system nervous of the fascia network to be moved not to move >> what moves through me and with me when something in me / moves me - decreases the volume of what I know of agent-self >> increases the volume of other-agent [multiples of /in me?] decreases the volume of desire-object increases the volume of availability-desire and thus I rest.